Reading notes on The Art of Action
Spring @Transactional programmatically
Postgres jsonb_agg children cart
Selecting lists of related entities from RDBMS’es can be a chore at times. Especially when ORM’s aren’t used or desired. jsonb_agg of postgres can be a convenient workaround for these cases:
GCP Bucket as a Distributed Locking Primitive
I was looking for a simple way to prevent business users executing same slow and expensive action simultaneously. Something like a lock file, but more distributed. And I wasn’t very much in the mood of setting up Hazelcast or Zookeper, or a database for this kind of a trivial task.
Java Integration Tests v Spring Context – when less is more
When doing integration testing within a Spring (Boot) based project, we tend to use some sort of Spring context. Setting it up isn’t free. Careless tests composition can lead to much time wasted on re-creating those contexts, and will make running tests painfully long very quickly. There are simple techniques of keeping this overhead to the minimum. Ideally – start only one test context for the whole run.